
1159 lines
34 KiB

=head1 NAME
apt-mirror - apt sources mirroring tool
apt-mirror [configfile]
A small and efficient tool that lets you mirror a part of or
the whole Debian GNU/Linux distribution or any other apt sources.
Main features:
* It uses a config similar to APT's F<sources.list>
* It's fully pool compliant
* It supports multithreaded downloading
* It supports multiple architectures at the same time
* It can automatically remove unneeded files
* It works well on an overloaded Internet connection
* It never produces an inconsistent mirror including while mirroring
* It works on all POSIX compliant systems with Perl and wget
apt-mirror uses F</etc/apt/mirror.list> as a configuration file.
By default it is tuned to official Debian or Ubuntu mirrors. Change
it for your needs.
After you setup the configuration file you may run as root:
# su - apt-mirror -c apt-mirror
Or uncomment the line in F</etc/cron.d/apt-mirror> to enable daily mirror updates.
=head1 FILES
Main configuration file
Cron configuration template
Mirror places here
Place for temporarily downloaded indexes
Log files placed here. URLs and MD5 checksums also here.
The mirror.list configuration supports many options, the file is well commented explaining each option.
Here are some sample mirror configuration lines showing the various supported ways:
deb stable main contrib non-free
Arch Specific: (many other architectures are supported)
deb-powerpc stable main contrib non-free
HTTP and FTP Auth or non-standard port:
deb stable main contrib non-free
HTTPS with sending Basic HTTP authentication information (plaintext username and password) for all requests:
(this was default behaviour of Wget 1.10.2 and prior and is needed for some servers with new version of Wget)
set auth_no_challenge 1
deb stable main contrib non-free
HTTPS without checking certificate:
set no_check_certificate 1
deb stable main contrib non-free
Source Mirroring:
deb-src stable main contrib non-free
=head1 AUTHORS
Dmitry N. Hramtsov E<lt>hdn@nsu.ruE<gt>
Brandon Holtsclaw E<lt>me@brandonholtsclaw.comE<gt>
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Copy;
use File::Compare;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Basename;
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
my $config_file;
my %config_variables = (
"defaultarch" => `dpkg --print-architecture 2>/dev/null` || 'i386',
"nthreads" => 20,
"base_path" => '/var/spool/apt-mirror',
"mirror_path" => '$base_path/mirror',
"skel_path" => '$base_path/skel',
"var_path" => '$base_path/var',
"cleanscript" => '$var_path/',
"_contents" => 1,
"_autoclean" => 0,
"_tilde" => 0,
"limit_rate" => '100m',
"run_postmirror" => 1,
"auth_no_challenge" => 0,
"no_check_certificate" => 0,
"unlink" => 0,
"postmirror_script" => '$var_path/',
"use_proxy" => 'off',
"http_proxy" => '',
"https_proxy" => '',
"proxy_user" => '',
"proxy_password" => ''
my @config_binaries = ();
my @config_sources = ();
my @index_urls;
my @childrens = ();
my %skipclean = ();
my %clean_directory = ();
## Setting up $config_file variable
$config_file = "/etc/apt/mirror.list"; # Default value
if ( $_ = shift )
die("apt-mirror: invalid config file specified") unless -e $_;
$config_file = $_;
chomp $config_variables{"defaultarch"};
## Common subroutines
sub round_number
my $n = shift;
my $minus = $n < 0 ? '-' : '';
$n = abs($n);
$n = int( ( $n + .05 ) * 10 ) / 10;
$n .= '.0' unless $n =~ /\./;
$n .= '0' if substr( $n, ( length($n) - 1 ), 1 ) eq '.';
chop $n if $n =~ /\.\d\d0$/;
return "$minus$n";
sub format_bytes
my $bytes = shift;
my $bytes_out = '0';
my $size_name = 'bytes';
my $KiB = 1024;
my $MiB = 1024 * 1024;
my $GiB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
if ( $bytes >= $KiB )
$bytes_out = $bytes / $KiB;
$size_name = 'KiB';
if ( $bytes >= $MiB )
$bytes_out = $bytes / $MiB;
$size_name = 'MiB';
if ( $bytes >= $GiB )
$bytes_out = $bytes / $GiB;
$size_name = 'GiB';
$bytes_out = round_number($bytes_out);
$bytes_out = $bytes;
$size_name = 'bytes';
return "$bytes_out $size_name";
sub get_variable
my $value = $config_variables{ shift @_ };
my $count = 16;
while ( $value =~ s/\$(\w+)/$config_variables{$1}/xg )
die("apt-mirror: too many substitution while evaluating variable") if ( $count-- ) < 0;
return $value;
sub quoted_path
my $path = shift;
$path =~ s/'/'\\''/g;
return "'" . $path . "'";
sub lock_aptmirror
open( LOCK_FILE, '>', get_variable("var_path") . "/apt-mirror.lock" );
my $lock = flock( LOCK_FILE, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB );
if ( !$lock )
die("apt-mirror is already running, exiting");
sub unlock_aptmirror
unlink( get_variable("var_path") . "/apt-mirror.lock" );
sub download_urls
my $stage = shift;
my @urls;
my $i = 0;
my $pid;
my $nthreads = get_variable("nthreads");
my @args = ();
local $| = 1;
@urls = @_;
$nthreads = @urls if @urls < $nthreads;
if ( get_variable("auth_no_challenge") == 1 ) { push( @args, "--auth-no-challenge" ); }
if ( get_variable("no_check_certificate") == 1 ) { push( @args, "--no-check-certificate" ); }
if ( get_variable("unlink") == 1 ) { push( @args, "--unlink" ); }
if ( length( get_variable("use_proxy") ) && ( get_variable("use_proxy") eq 'yes' || get_variable("use_proxy") eq 'on' ) )
if ( length( get_variable("http_proxy") ) || length( get_variable("https_proxy") ) ) { push( @args, "-e use_proxy=yes" ); }
if ( length( get_variable("http_proxy") ) ) { push( @args, "-e http_proxy=" . get_variable("http_proxy") ); }
if ( length( get_variable("https_proxy") ) ) { push( @args, "-e https_proxy=" . get_variable("https_proxy") ); }
if ( length( get_variable("proxy_user") ) ) { push( @args, "-e proxy_user=" . get_variable("proxy_user") ); }
if ( length( get_variable("proxy_password") ) ) { push( @args, "-e proxy_password=" . get_variable("proxy_password") ); }
print "Downloading " . scalar(@urls) . " $stage files using $nthreads threads...\n";
while ( scalar @urls )
my @part = splice( @urls, 0, int( @urls / $nthreads ) );
open URLS, ">" . get_variable("var_path") . "/$stage-urls.$i" or die("apt-mirror: can't write to intermediate file ($stage-urls.$i)");
foreach (@part) { print URLS "$_\n"; }
close URLS or die("apt-mirror: can't close intermediate file ($stage-urls.$i)");
$pid = fork();
die("apt-mirror: can't do fork in download_urls") if !defined($pid);
if ( $pid == 0 )
exec 'wget', '--no-cache', '--limit-rate=' . get_variable("limit_rate"), '-t', '5', '-r', '-N', '-l', 'inf', '-o', get_variable("var_path") . "/$stage-log.$i", '-i', get_variable("var_path") . "/$stage-urls.$i", @args;
# shouldn't reach this unless exec fails
die("\n\nCould not run wget, please make sure its installed and in your path\n\n");
push @childrens, $pid;
print "Begin time: " . localtime() . "\n[" . scalar(@childrens) . "]... ";
while ( scalar @childrens )
my $dead = wait();
@childrens = grep { $_ != $dead } @childrens;
print "[" . scalar(@childrens) . "]... ";
print "\nEnd time: " . localtime() . "\n\n";
## Parse config
sub parse_config_line
my $pattern_deb_line = qr/^[\t ]*(?<type>deb-src|deb)(?:-(?<arch>[\w\-]+))?[\t ]+(?:\[(?<options>[^\]]+)\][\t ]+)?(?<uri>[^\s]+)[\t ]+(?<components>.+)$/;
my $line = $_;
my %config;
if ( $line =~ $pattern_deb_line ) {
$config{'type'} = $+{type};
$config{'arch'} = $+{arch};
$config{'options'} = $+{options} ? $+{options} : "";
$config{'uri'} = $+{uri};
$config{'components'} = $+{components};
if ( $config{'options'} =~ /arch=((?<arch>[\w\-]+)[,]*)/g ) {
$config{'arch'} = $+{arch};
$config{'components'} = [ split /\s+/, $config{'components'} ];
} elsif ( $line =~ /set[\t ]+(?<key>[^\s]+)[\t ]+(?<value>"[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s]+)/ ) {
$config{'type'} = 'set';
$config{'key'} = $+{key};
$config{'value'} = $+{value};
$config{'value'} =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/;
$config{'value'} =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
} elsif ( $line =~ /(?<type>clean|skip-clean)[\t ]+(?<uri>[^\s]+)/ ) {
$config{'type'} = $+{type};
$config{'uri'} = $+{uri};
return %config;
open CONFIG, "<$config_file" or die("apt-mirror: can't open config file ($config_file)");
while (<CONFIG>)
next if /^\s*#/;
next unless /\S/;
my $line = $_;
my %config_line = parse_config_line;
if ( $config_line{'type'} eq "set" ) {
$config_variables{ $config_line{'key'} } = $config_line{'value'};
} elsif ( $config_line{'type'} eq "deb" ) {
my $arch = $config_line{'arch'};
$arch = get_variable("defaultarch") if ! defined $config_line{'arch'};
push @config_binaries, [ $arch, $config_line{'uri'}, @{$config_line{'components'}} ];
} elsif ( $config_line{'type'} eq "deb-src" ) {
push @config_sources, [ $config_line{'uri'}, @{$config_line{'components'}} ];
} elsif ( $config_line{'type'} =~ /(skip-clean|clean)/ ) {
my $link = $config_line{'uri'};
$link =~ s[^(\w+)://][];
$link =~ s[/$][];
$link =~ s[~][%7E]g if get_variable("_tilde");
if ( $config_line{'type'} eq "skip-clean" ) {
$skipclean{ $link } = 1;
} elsif ( $config_line{'type'} eq "clean" ) {
$clean_directory{ $link } = 1;
die("apt-mirror: invalid line in config file ($.: $line ...)");
close CONFIG;
die("Please explicitly specify 'defaultarch' in mirror.list") unless get_variable("defaultarch");
## Create the 3 needed directories if they don't exist yet
my @needed_directories = ( get_variable("mirror_path"), get_variable("skel_path"), get_variable("var_path") );
foreach my $needed_directory (@needed_directories)
unless ( -d $needed_directory )
make_path($needed_directory) or die("apt-mirror: can't create $needed_directory directory");
## Skel download
my %urls_to_download = ();
my ( $url, $arch );
sub remove_double_slashes
local $_ = shift;
while (s[/\./][/]g) { }
while (s[(?<!:)//][/]g) { }
while (s[(?<!:/)/[^/]+/\.\./][/]g) { }
s/~/\%7E/g if get_variable("_tilde");
return $_;
sub add_url_to_download
my $url = remove_double_slashes(shift);
$urls_to_download{$url} = shift;
foreach (@config_sources)
my ( $uri, $distribution, @components ) = @{$_};
if (@components)
$url = $uri . "/dists/" . $distribution . "/";
add_url_to_download( $url . "InRelease" );
add_url_to_download( $url . "Release" );
add_url_to_download( $url . "Release.gpg" );
foreach (@components)
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/source/Release" );
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/source/Sources.gz" );
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/source/Sources.bz2" );
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/source/Sources.xz" );
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/$distribution/Release" );
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/$distribution/Release.gpg" );
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/$distribution/Sources.gz" );
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/$distribution/Sources.bz2" );
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/$distribution/Sources.xz" );
foreach (@config_binaries)
my ( $arch, $uri, $distribution, @components ) = @{$_};
if (@components)
$url = $uri . "/dists/" . $distribution . "/";
add_url_to_download( $url . "InRelease" );
add_url_to_download( $url . "Release" );
add_url_to_download( $url . "Release.gpg" );
if ( get_variable("_contents") )
add_url_to_download( $url . "Contents-" . $arch . ".gz" );
add_url_to_download( $url . "Contents-" . $arch . ".bz2" );
add_url_to_download( $url . "Contents-" . $arch . ".xz" );
foreach (@components)
if ( get_variable("_contents") )
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/Contents-" . $arch . ".gz" );
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/Contents-" . $arch . ".bz2" );
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/Contents-" . $arch . ".xz" );
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/binary-" . $arch . "/Release" );
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/binary-" . $arch . "/Packages.gz" );
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/binary-" . $arch . "/Packages.bz2" );
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/binary-" . $arch . "/Packages.xz" );
add_url_to_download( $url . $_ . "/i18n/Index" );
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/$distribution/Release" );
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/$distribution/Release.gpg" );
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/$distribution/Packages.gz" );
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/$distribution/Packages.bz2" );
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/$distribution/Packages.xz" );
chdir get_variable("skel_path") or die("apt-mirror: can't chdir to skel");
@index_urls = sort keys %urls_to_download;
download_urls( "index", @index_urls );
foreach ( keys %urls_to_download )
s[~][%7E]g if get_variable("_tilde");
$skipclean{$_} = 1;
$skipclean{$_} = 1 if s[\.gz$][];
$skipclean{$_} = 1 if s[\.bz2$][];
$skipclean{$_} = 1 if s[\.xz$][];
## Translation index download
%urls_to_download = ();
sub sanitise_uri
my $uri = shift;
$uri =~ s[^(\w+)://][];
$uri =~ s/^([^@]+)?@?// if $uri =~ /@/;
$uri =~ s&:\d+/&/&; # and port information
$uri =~ s/~/\%7E/g if get_variable("_tilde");
return $uri;
sub find_translation_files_in_release
# Look in the dists/$DIST/Release file for the translation files that belong
# to the given component.
my $dist_uri = shift;
my $component = shift;
my ( $release_uri, $release_path, $line ) = '';
$release_uri = $dist_uri . "Release";
$release_path = get_variable("skel_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri($release_uri);
unless ( open STREAM, "<$release_path" )
warn( "Failed to open Release file from " . $release_uri );
my $checksums = 0;
while ( $line = <STREAM> )
chomp $line;
if ($checksums)
if ( $line =~ /^ +(.*)$/ )
my @parts = split( / +/, $1 );
if ( @parts == 3 )
my ( $sha1, $size, $filename ) = @parts;
if ( $filename =~ m{^$component/i18n/Translation-[^./]*\.bz2$} )
add_url_to_download( $dist_uri . $filename, $size );
warn("Malformed checksum line \"$1\" in $release_uri");
$checksums = 0;
if ( not $checksums )
if ( $line eq "SHA256:" )
$checksums = 1;
sub process_translation_index
# Extract all translation files from the dists/$DIST/$COMPONENT/i18n/Index
# file. Fall back to parsing dists/$DIST/Release if i18n/Index is not found.
my $dist_uri = remove_double_slashes(shift);
my $component = shift;
my ( $base_uri, $index_uri, $index_path, $line ) = '';
$base_uri = $dist_uri . $component . "/i18n/";
$index_uri = $base_uri . "Index";
$index_path = get_variable("skel_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri($index_uri);
unless ( open STREAM, "<$index_path" )
find_translation_files_in_release( $dist_uri, $component );
my $checksums = 0;
while ( $line = <STREAM> )
chomp $line;
if ($checksums)
if ( $line =~ /^ +(.*)$/ )
my @parts = split( / +/, $1 );
if ( @parts == 3 )
my ( $sha1, $size, $filename ) = @parts;
add_url_to_download( $base_uri . $filename, $size );
warn("Malformed checksum line \"$1\" in $index_uri");
$checksums = 0;
if ( not $checksums )
if ( $line eq "SHA256:" or $line eq "SHA1:" or $line eq "MD5Sum:" )
$checksums = 1;
close STREAM;
print "Processing translation indexes: [";
foreach (@config_binaries)
my ( $arch, $uri, $distribution, @components ) = @{$_};
print "T";
if (@components)
$url = $uri . "/dists/" . $distribution . "/";
my $component;
foreach $component (@components)
process_translation_index( $url, $component );
print "]\n\n";
push( @index_urls, sort keys %urls_to_download );
download_urls( "translation", sort keys %urls_to_download );
foreach ( keys %urls_to_download )
s[~][%7E]g if get_variable("_tilde");
$skipclean{$_} = 1;
## DEP-11 index download
%urls_to_download = ();
sub find_dep11_files_in_release
# Look in the dists/$DIST/Release file for the DEP-11 files that belong
# to the given component and architecture.
my $dist_uri = shift;
my $component = shift;
my $arch = shift;
my ( $release_uri, $release_path, $line ) = '';
$release_uri = $dist_uri . "Release";
$release_path = get_variable("skel_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri($release_uri);
unless ( open STREAM, "<$release_path" )
warn( "Failed to open Release file from " . $release_uri );
my $checksums = 0;
while ( $line = <STREAM> )
chomp $line;
if ($checksums)
if ( $line =~ /^ +(.*)$/ )
my @parts = split( / +/, $1 );
if ( @parts == 3 )
my ( $sha1, $size, $filename ) = @parts;
if ( $filename =~ m{^$component/dep11/(Components-${arch}\.yml|icons-[^./]+\.tar)\.(gz|bz2|xz)$} )
add_url_to_download( $dist_uri . $filename, $size );
warn("Malformed checksum line \"$1\" in $release_uri");
$checksums = 0;
if ( not $checksums )
if ( $line eq "SHA256:" )
$checksums = 1;
print "Processing DEP-11 indexes: [";
foreach (@config_binaries)
my ( $arch, $uri, $distribution, @components ) = @{$_};
print "D";
if (@components)
$url = $uri . "/dists/" . $distribution . "/";
my $component;
foreach $component (@components)
find_dep11_files_in_release( $url, $component, $arch );
print "]\n\n";
push( @index_urls, sort keys %urls_to_download );
download_urls( "dep11", sort keys %urls_to_download );
foreach ( keys %urls_to_download )
s[~][%7E]g if get_variable("_tilde");
$skipclean{$_} = 1;
## by-hash SHA256 files download
%urls_to_download = ();
sub find_by_hash_sha256_files_in_release
# Look in the dists/$DIST/Release file for the by-hash SHA256 files that belong
# to the given component and architecture.
my $dist_uri = shift;
my $component = shift;
my $arch = shift;
my ( $release_uri, $release_path, $line ) = '';
$release_uri = $dist_uri . "Release";
$release_path = get_variable("skel_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri($release_uri);
unless ( open STREAM, "<$release_path" )
warn( "Failed to open Release file from " . $release_uri );
my $checksums = 0;
while ( $line = <STREAM> )
chomp $line;
if ($checksums)
if ( $line =~ /^ +(.*)$/ )
my @parts = split( / +/, $1 );
if ( @parts == 3 )
my ( $sha256, $size, $filename ) = @parts;
my $dirname = dirname($filename);
my $sha256_filename = '/'.$dirname.'/by-hash/SHA256/'.$sha256;
add_url_to_download( $dist_uri . $sha256_filename );
warn("Malformed checksum line \"$1\" in $release_uri");
$checksums = 0;
if ( not $checksums )
if ( $line eq "SHA256:" )
$checksums = 1;
print "Processing SHA256 by-hash files ["
if $progress;
foreach (@config_binaries)
my ( $arch, $uri, $distribution, @components ) = @{$_};
print "D" if $progress;
if (@components)
$url = $uri . "/dists/" . $distribution . "/";
my $component;
foreach $component (@components)
find_by_hash_sha256_files_in_release( $url, $component, $arch );
print "]\n\n" if $progress;
push( @index_urls, sort keys %urls_to_download );
download_urls( "by-hash-SHA256", sort keys %urls_to_download );
foreach ( keys %urls_to_download )
s[~][%7E]g if get_variable("_tilde");
$skipclean{$_} = 1;
## Main download preparations
%urls_to_download = ();
open FILES_ALL, ">" . get_variable("var_path") . "/ALL" or die("apt-mirror: can't write to intermediate file (ALL)");
open FILES_NEW, ">" . get_variable("var_path") . "/NEW" or die("apt-mirror: can't write to intermediate file (NEW)");
open FILES_MD5, ">" . get_variable("var_path") . "/MD5" or die("apt-mirror: can't write to intermediate file (MD5)");
open FILES_SHA1, ">" . get_variable("var_path") . "/SHA1" or die("apt-mirror: can't write to intermediate file (SHA1)");
open FILES_SHA256, ">" . get_variable("var_path") . "/SHA256" or die("apt-mirror: can't write to intermediate file (SHA256)");
my %stat_cache = ();
sub _stat
my ($filename) = shift;
return @{ $stat_cache{$filename} } if exists $stat_cache{$filename};
my @res = stat($filename);
$stat_cache{$filename} = \@res;
return @res;
sub clear_stat_cache
%stat_cache = ();
sub need_update
my $filename = shift;
my $size_on_server = shift;
my ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $size ) = _stat($filename);
return 1 unless ($size);
return 0 if $size_on_server == $size;
return 1;
sub remove_spaces($)
my $hashref = shift;
foreach ( keys %{$hashref} )
while ( substr( $hashref->{$_}, 0, 1 ) eq ' ' )
substr( $hashref->{$_}, 0, 1 ) = '';
sub process_index
my $uri = shift;
my $index = shift;
my ( $path, $package, $mirror, $files ) = '';
$path = sanitise_uri($uri);
local $/ = "\n\n";
$mirror = get_variable("mirror_path") . "/" . $path;
if (-e "$path/$index.gz" )
system("gunzip < $path/$index.gz > $path/$index");
elsif (-e "$path/$index.xz" )
system("xz -d < $path/$index.xz > $path/$index");
elsif (-e "$path/$index.bz2" )
system("bzip2 -d < $path/$index.bz2 > $path/$index");
unless ( open STREAM, "<$path/$index" )
warn("apt-mirror: can't open index $path/$index in process_index");
while ( $package = <STREAM> )
local $/ = "\n";
chomp $package;
my ( undef, %lines ) = split( /^([\w\-]+:)/m, $package );
$lines{"Directory:"} = "" unless defined $lines{"Directory:"};
remove_spaces( \%lines );
if ( exists $lines{"Filename:"} )
{ # Packages index
$skipclean{ remove_double_slashes( $path . "/" . $lines{"Filename:"} ) } = 1;
print FILES_ALL remove_double_slashes( $path . "/" . $lines{"Filename:"} ) . "\n";
print FILES_MD5 $lines{"MD5sum:"} . " " . remove_double_slashes( $path . "/" . $lines{"Filename:"} ) . "\n" if defined $lines{"MD5sum:"};
print FILES_SHA1 $lines{"SHA1:"} . " " . remove_double_slashes( $path . "/" . $lines{"Filename:"} ) . "\n" if defined $lines{"SHA1:"};
print FILES_SHA256 $lines{"SHA256:"} . " " . remove_double_slashes( $path . "/" . $lines{"Filename:"} ) . "\n" if defined $lines{"SHA256:"};
if ( need_update( $mirror . "/" . $lines{"Filename:"}, $lines{"Size:"} ) )
print FILES_NEW remove_double_slashes( $uri . "/" . $lines{"Filename:"} ) . "\n";
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/" . $lines{"Filename:"}, $lines{"Size:"} );
{ # Sources index
foreach ( split( /\n/, $lines{"Files:"} ) )
next if $_ eq '';
my @file = split;
die("apt-mirror: invalid Sources format") if @file != 3;
$skipclean{ remove_double_slashes( $path . "/" . $lines{"Directory:"} . "/" . $file[2] ) } = 1;
print FILES_ALL remove_double_slashes( $path . "/" . $lines{"Directory:"} . "/" . $file[2] ) . "\n";
print FILES_MD5 $file[0] . " " . remove_double_slashes( $path . "/" . $lines{"Directory:"} . "/" . $file[2] ) . "\n";
if ( need_update( $mirror . "/" . $lines{"Directory:"} . "/" . $file[2], $file[1] ) )
print FILES_NEW remove_double_slashes( $uri . "/" . $lines{"Directory:"} . "/" . $file[2] ) . "\n";
add_url_to_download( $uri . "/" . $lines{"Directory:"} . "/" . $file[2], $file[1] );
close STREAM;
print "Processing indexes: [";
foreach (@config_sources)
my ( $uri, $distribution, @components ) = @{$_};
print "S";
if (@components)
my $component;
foreach $component (@components)
process_index( $uri, "/dists/$distribution/$component/source/Sources" );
process_index( $uri, "/$distribution/Sources" );
foreach (@config_binaries)
my ( $arch, $uri, $distribution, @components ) = @{$_};
print "P";
if (@components)
my $component;
foreach $component (@components)
process_index( $uri, "/dists/$distribution/$component/binary-$arch/Packages" );
process_index( $uri, "/$distribution/Packages" );
print "]\n\n";
close FILES_ALL;
close FILES_NEW;
close FILES_MD5;
close FILES_SHA1;
close FILES_SHA256;
## Main download
chdir get_variable("mirror_path") or die("apt-mirror: can't chdir to mirror");
my $need_bytes = 0;
foreach ( values %urls_to_download )
$need_bytes += $_;
my $size_output = format_bytes($need_bytes);
print "$size_output will be downloaded into archive.\n";
download_urls( "archive", sort keys %urls_to_download );
## Copy skel to main archive
sub copy_file
my ( $from, $to ) = @_;
my $dir = dirname($to);
return unless -f $from;
make_path($dir) unless -d $dir;
if ( get_variable("unlink") == 1 )
if ( compare( $from, $to ) != 0 ) { unlink($to); }
unless ( copy( $from, $to ) )
warn("apt-mirror: can't copy $from to $to");
my ( $atime, $mtime ) = ( stat($from) )[ 8, 9 ];
utime( $atime, $mtime, $to ) or die("apt-mirror: can't utime $to");
foreach (@index_urls)
die("apt-mirror: invalid url in index_urls") unless s[^(\w+)://][];
copy_file( get_variable("skel_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri("$_"), get_variable("mirror_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri("$_") );
copy_file( get_variable("skel_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri("$_"), get_variable("mirror_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri("$_") ) if (s/\.gz$//);
copy_file( get_variable("skel_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri("$_"), get_variable("mirror_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri("$_") ) if (s/\.bz2$//);
copy_file( get_variable("skel_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri("$_"), get_variable("mirror_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri("$_") ) if (s/\.xz$//);
## Make cleaning script
my ( @rm_dirs, @rm_files ) = ();
my $unnecessary_bytes = 0;
sub process_symlink
return 1; # symlinks are always needed
sub process_file
my $file = shift;
$file =~ s[~][%7E]g if get_variable("_tilde");
return 1 if $skipclean{$file};
push @rm_files, sanitise_uri($file);
my ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $size, undef, undef, undef, undef, $blocks ) = stat($file);
$unnecessary_bytes += $blocks * 512;
return 0;
sub process_directory
my $dir = shift;
my $is_needed = 0;
return 1 if $skipclean{$dir};
opendir( my $dir_h, $dir ) or die "apt-mirror: can't opendir $dir: $!";
foreach ( grep { !/^\.$/ && !/^\.\.$/ } readdir($dir_h) )
my $item = $dir . "/" . $_;
$is_needed |= process_directory($item) if -d $item && !-l $item;
$is_needed |= process_file($item) if -f $item;
$is_needed |= process_symlink($item) if -l $item;
closedir $dir_h;
push @rm_dirs, $dir unless $is_needed;
return $is_needed;
chdir get_variable("mirror_path") or die("apt-mirror: can't chdir to mirror");
foreach ( keys %clean_directory )
process_directory($_) if -d $_ && !-l $_;
open CLEAN, ">" . get_variable("cleanscript") or die("apt-mirror: can't open clean script file");
my ( $i, $total ) = ( 0, scalar @rm_files );
if ( get_variable("_autoclean") )
my $size_output = format_bytes($unnecessary_bytes);
print "$size_output in $total files and " . scalar(@rm_dirs) . " directories will be freed...";
chdir get_variable("mirror_path") or die("apt-mirror: can't chdir to mirror");
foreach (@rm_files) { unlink $_; }
foreach (@rm_dirs) { rmdir $_; }
my $size_output = format_bytes($unnecessary_bytes);
print "$size_output in $total files and " . scalar(@rm_dirs) . " directories can be freed.\n";
print "Run " . get_variable("cleanscript") . " for this purpose.\n\n";
print CLEAN "#!/bin/sh\n";
print CLEAN "set -e\n\n";
print CLEAN "cd " . quoted_path(get_variable("mirror_path")) . "\n\n";
print CLEAN "echo 'Removing $total unnecessary files [$size_output]...'\n";
foreach (@rm_files)
print CLEAN "rm -f '$_'\n";
print CLEAN "echo -n '[" . int( 100 * $i / $total ) . "\%]'\n" unless $i % 500;
print CLEAN "echo -n .\n" unless $i % 10;
print CLEAN "echo 'done.'\n";
print CLEAN "echo\n\n";
$i = 0;
$total = scalar @rm_dirs;
print CLEAN "echo 'Removing $total unnecessary directories...'\n";
foreach (@rm_dirs)
print CLEAN "if test -d '$_'; then rmdir '$_'; fi\n";
print CLEAN "echo -n '[" . int( 100 * $i / $total ) . "\%]'\n" unless $i % 50;
print CLEAN "echo -n .\n";
print CLEAN "echo 'done.'\n";
print CLEAN "echo\n";
close CLEAN;
# Make clean script executable
my $perm = ( stat get_variable("cleanscript") )[2] & 07777;
chmod( $perm | 0111, get_variable("cleanscript") );
if ( get_variable("run_postmirror") )
print "Running the Post Mirror script ...\n";
print "(" . get_variable("postmirror_script") . ")\n\n";
if ( -x get_variable("postmirror_script") )
system( get_variable("postmirror_script"), '' );
system( '/bin/sh', get_variable("postmirror_script") );
print "\nPost Mirror script has completed. See above output for any possible errors.\n\n";